Anyone with a background in finance knows about insider trading and the fact that it's illegal. Most Americans have at least heard the phrase and know it's not legal but may not fully understand what it is. Wikipedia defines insider trading as: The illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one's own advantage through having access to confidential information. Therefore, in theory, no one who is exposed to insider information of publicly traded stock is to act on that information until it is made public to all to take advantage of. This is theory, because it's so difficult to clearly define the lines of where this starts and stops and how to enforce whether an individual is trading on public/private information. It comes down to ethics/morals and the type of person each of us are.
Personal finance for the Family-Oriented Individuals from this Mommy of 3 Kid$. Money Tips & Life Examples to Share
Monday, December 12, 2011
Ethics and Stock Trading
Anyone with a background in finance knows about insider trading and the fact that it's illegal. Most Americans have at least heard the phrase and know it's not legal but may not fully understand what it is. Wikipedia defines insider trading as: The illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one's own advantage through having access to confidential information. Therefore, in theory, no one who is exposed to insider information of publicly traded stock is to act on that information until it is made public to all to take advantage of. This is theory, because it's so difficult to clearly define the lines of where this starts and stops and how to enforce whether an individual is trading on public/private information. It comes down to ethics/morals and the type of person each of us are.
Friday, December 2, 2011
If the Duggars can do it, so can I!
Today, I found a blogger and person on Twitter named Josh Hood (twitter: @JoshuaMHood). I browsed through his tweets and he makes some pretty inspirational quotes. One example: "Less than 12% of what you're communicating has to do with the actual words you're saying. Pastors: master non-verbal communication!"
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Strength in Numbers
I'm so happy to find this community on Twitter of other people (not all Americans!) who are working on this debt-free lifestyle. Everyone wants to feel like part of a crowd or feel like they fit-in but I tend to stay away from 'clicky' crowds. I don't like to feel like I'm excluding people or that I have to meet certain standards in order to be accepted. However, the good thing about the Twitter 'debt-free club' (as I've just coined the phrase), is that everyone can join it and we are all at different stages within it. However, we are a good club to join because we encourage each other & help one another with ideas, suggestions, etc. that doesn't exclude a single person.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Debt Snowflake Versus Debt Snowball
I love this time of year where the Christmas music is playing on almost every station and my kids start getting excited about Santa Claus and the story of baby Jesus. So, I'm trying to stay positive about my recent slip-up on using my credit card. Everyone does it from time to time where they stray from their goals, but the point is not to let it happen too often.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Fell Off the Wagon!
Well, it was a rough weekend for a few different reasons. 2 of my 3 kids got sick on Thanksgiving. We still managed to spend it with family but it lead into a weekend full of sleepless nights and coughing, doctor's appts, and prescriptions. This blew my budget on a couple different levels. I had managed to save $350 to this point by doing some side work for a friend. Well, I agreed with my husband to spend some of it on continuing swim lessons for my 2 sons. This ended up being $90. This left me with $260.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
XMAS Ideas for Kids That Will Save $$$$
Who doesn't love jewelry? I know I personally love it but hate to spend a lot of money on it, especially when I'm working my way out of debt. However, with a little more time and effort, jewelry can be a GREAT gift for friends, family & children.
Monday, November 21, 2011
I thought that I should write something about the upcoming holiday and in thinking about it, I realized it feels like a chore. We all know that chores don't have a lot of passion behind them. If I feel like I'm being forced to write about the upcoming holiday then my authentic message won't come through to the reader. Therefore, to keep this simple and truly be thankful for this upcoming holiday, I have a few lists to share.
"Grief is an expression that you loved well." by Elizabeth Lesser
We want to get our finances under control so we can say that we live & love well!
This statement was made by Elizabeth Lesser, on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday. This statement really rings true to my heart because to truly understand it is the purpose of life itself. I haven't had anyone truly close to me pass away at this point in my life.
This statement was made by Elizabeth Lesser, on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday. This statement really rings true to my heart because to truly understand it is the purpose of life itself. I haven't had anyone truly close to me pass away at this point in my life.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Make Time for Guilty Pleasures
I have to make time in my life for something silly that I personally enjoy that I can admit may never add value to my life on a whole. For me, that is "Real Housewives of..." I love these series and shows. I am a junkie when it comes them, but I admit that there is really very little educational value or life perspective that these shows give me. I think they are fun to watch and gives me a perspective of other people's drama - mostly brought upon themselves. However, there needs to be time in your life where you can say this little bit of time doesn't actually have a purpose other just make me smile or happy momentarily.
Gift Cards
Gift cards accumulate with me. I forget that I have them & therefore rarely use them. It's just like coupons. I hardly use them because I find it difficult having them at the moments I need them and then when I do, I forget I have them. I usually get a few gift cards throughout the year. Since I'm on my mission to spend less, avoid credit cards and live within a budget, it's very hard with the number of birthdays and holidays that occur to me.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
My Debt as of 11/1/2011
Below is the debt that I've compiled over the last month or so. It's not as much as it could be but it's a lot more than I want. I could send all 3 of my kids to college with this debt and then some. It's a shame that I wasn't more responsible and didn't look at my debt head-on from the very beginning.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Negotiate Deals for Portraits
I finally got my daughter's first year pictures last weekend. She was adorable and we did some family shots. Everything went great. Then, the photographer/manager sat us down to look at the portraits & pricing. We got our pictures done at a common department store photo center. We have gotten the same package for all 3 kids for their 1st pictures. We get pictures to give to family, but a collage frame to hang on the wall.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Credit Card Interest Rates
It's getting harder & harder to negotiate with credit card companies. I have 2 credit cards that I'm not proud to say have over $19k in debt on each card. We've struggled to make our payments but haven't missed them yet, thank goodness. I've had these 2 cards since college and I've never had such high balances before. Since I've been laid off 2 years ago, which is the same time my husband had taken over his own business, we've struggled to stay on top of all our expenses. I regret to say that I didn't cut back the way I should have at the time in order to prevent the debt we've created over the last 2 years.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Joe Paterno, Priorities & Sexual Abuse
I've been a little busy in the last couple of days so I haven't had a chance to get to my blog, which I do miss. This whole Penn State scandal has broken lose in the last week or so and I started reading up on the details a couple days ago. As I was reading through the timeline (which ESPN provides a really good one to date: Key Dates in Penn State Case), a message across the bottom of the TV screen announced that Joe Paterno was released immediately from coaching.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
How I got my Spending Habits & Saving Tips
I have 3 kids, but I came from a family of 8 kids. I know what it's like to have hand-me-down clothes and live life spending very little. I've been on a budget and have been through the tough times of making sure I can pay every penny of my bills. A couple months before I finished college, my parents decided they were moving out of state, which left me taking on full responsibility for my life immediately following college.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Not a Proud Day
I wasn't very proud of my actions today as I was completely stressed out about my job which was icing on the cake after a stressful morning with the kids and the husband. We woke up late mainly because I was up late last night working trying to make a few extra dollars & help out a friend. I've felt a little disconnected from my husband the last couple days because we normally talk in the morning while we're both on our way to work. However, the last couple days have been hectic and my husband doesn't have a bluetooth earpiece so he didn't want to talk & drive.
Holiday Shopping
With the holidays coming, we're already feeling the pressure of spending more money then we have. It's crazy that before Halloween is even over, people start talking about what & how they are going to spend for the holidays. Our family celebrates Christmas and most people are celebrating some holiday around this time and it's all revolved around how much to spend. I'm currently struggling with this because we have so many relatives to shop for. Its one of the blessings & curses of coming from a large family of 8 kids, as well as marrying someone who comes from a family of 5 kids....lots of siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews. That doesn't even count the aunts, uncles, family friends and other removed relatives that are involved.
There is so much pressure to do for others what you receive, but if you're trying to get your financial life back on track, this is the worst time of the year. I hear people say all the time that you should reciprocate the amount or worth of what you were given. However, it's not that I don't want to, but many people we receive gifts from are in higher income bracket then my family, especially with our current struggles with debt.
We have 20+ parties a year just in birthdays alone that need to be accounted for (not including friends parties we are invited to which will grow as the kids are older), but doing all of this at one time for Christmas is just too overwhelming. This year, I was planning on using the points my husband has earned on his business credit card (because we aren't in a position yet to pay it off) and buy as many presents with that that we could. I'm sure that we will inevitably put money out of our pockets still but these points can give us a majority of our presents for the kids & some extended family this year.
However, my husband mentioned his family wants to do a Pollyanna for the kids and spend more money per person then I was hoping to spend on the entire holiday. Since we have 3 kids, we would need to spend for 3 kids in return in order for all the kids to be covered. I know that my in-laws will think I'm being cheap but the truth is, I wasn't planning on spending that much money on my own children to now be spending that kind of money on someone else's (family or not). It creates a lot of tension towards me because I don't speak openly about my financial issues because I don't think they're really any one's business. Also, since my goal is to get out of debt altogether, most people don't agree with my viewpoint.
This is a very stressful issue for me and I will continue to keep you updated on how I am handling it. Maybe through your support I will be able to stick to my goals and not give in to guilt or temptation of others. Any suggestions are WELCOME! Talk to you soon.
There is so much pressure to do for others what you receive, but if you're trying to get your financial life back on track, this is the worst time of the year. I hear people say all the time that you should reciprocate the amount or worth of what you were given. However, it's not that I don't want to, but many people we receive gifts from are in higher income bracket then my family, especially with our current struggles with debt.
We have 20+ parties a year just in birthdays alone that need to be accounted for (not including friends parties we are invited to which will grow as the kids are older), but doing all of this at one time for Christmas is just too overwhelming. This year, I was planning on using the points my husband has earned on his business credit card (because we aren't in a position yet to pay it off) and buy as many presents with that that we could. I'm sure that we will inevitably put money out of our pockets still but these points can give us a majority of our presents for the kids & some extended family this year.
However, my husband mentioned his family wants to do a Pollyanna for the kids and spend more money per person then I was hoping to spend on the entire holiday. Since we have 3 kids, we would need to spend for 3 kids in return in order for all the kids to be covered. I know that my in-laws will think I'm being cheap but the truth is, I wasn't planning on spending that much money on my own children to now be spending that kind of money on someone else's (family or not). It creates a lot of tension towards me because I don't speak openly about my financial issues because I don't think they're really any one's business. Also, since my goal is to get out of debt altogether, most people don't agree with my viewpoint.
This is a very stressful issue for me and I will continue to keep you updated on how I am handling it. Maybe through your support I will be able to stick to my goals and not give in to guilt or temptation of others. Any suggestions are WELCOME! Talk to you soon.
Goals Give Character
So back to the hum-drum of a typical day. I am really focused on paying down debt & finding ways to cut back on expenses. It's very challenging because our current budget shows us spending more then we are making which scares me to death. I've never been in this position before and I don't know the best way out of it. I listen to my husband say, 'we need to just make more money' but I'm not convinced that's the full solution. I will give him credit that I am quick to think about our current income, rather than thinking of ways to create additional income. However, I also realize it's not as easy as saying 'I want to make more money' to see that happen. I'm an analytical person. I think about everything all the time & how I can make things better. Right now I need to figure out how I can come up with $200/week additional for my daughter to go back into daycare. My mother-in-law has watched her for the last 4 months & it's been a huge help but my MIL wants to enjoy retirement & the other grandchildren in her life. She's also got to prepare for 2 additional grandchildren that are in a couple weeks and another one in early spring.
Another goal of mine is working on getting a $1000 emergency fund together. I mentioned this to my husband & he thinks it's a good idea but he hasn't exactly been working towards creating this goal yet. I'm going to keep focused on it & hope that he can do the same. That would be a huge step for us & then I would feel like we were getting somewhere to getting in a better place with our debt. But this goal is also being worked on simultaneously with the cutting down expenses/creating additional income goal. Something has to give and I can't just throw up my hands and give up. I must find a way to make it work.
I think I've figured out how to afford Christmas gifts this year. My husband's business credit card accummulates points & he's got enough points right now that we should be able to get the majority of Christmas gifts through his reward points. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that will be enough. However, there will still be other expenses that come up between now & then so we'll see what happens. We were able to use these points last year for gifts but I don't think I planned it out as well as I should have and therefore didn't manage the gift cost as well as I could have.
So at 33 yrs old, I feel like I'm in a very complicated place in life. However, I do believe that we can make our future better. I do think that if I focus on finding ways to make life better for my kids and husband, that eventually, it will happen & things will work out. I am a very responsible person so I believe that's one of the reasons this is all weighing so heavily on my mind. I can get out of this debt and make it work. I can make my future for my kids better. I will be able to provide for them things I was not able to have as a child, but then again, I got all the necessary things I needed as a child. If for some reason, our life is more challenging, then I'm not so worried about the material things I can provide, but to ensure that my kids see the character in myself and my husband that shows them how to survive the difficult times. How to grow and learn from each challenge we are faced with is more rewarding to me as a parent then to make sure my sons have the latest fad. If I stay true to my values and morales in life, then my kids will turn out just fine, no matter how much stuff we have!
1st Birthday
Today is my daughter's first birthday. I'm so proud of how she's developing and her happy disposition. This little girl doesn't cry even when she's very sick. She started walking about a month ago and it's so fun to watch her interact with her brothers. So today, I am reminiscent of how my life was just a year ago, as well as 4 years ago before I became a mother at all. A daughter does put a spin on parenthood after 2 boys. What an amazing change in a woman's life. With all the confusion of how my life should proceed on a mental level, there is a part of my life that is overwhelmed with gratitude of how blessed I am to have 3 healthy amazing kids with a husband to share it with. From my life as a parent, I could not be more grateful that at this point, my kids are growing and enjoying the lives they have with no major misfortune. So many other parents are dealing with sick children, a recent death from cancer or disabilities or the news that there may be little chance to add a child to their existing family due to infertility.
Yesterday's blog touched on something I'm reading today in Seth Godin's book "LinchPin" about schooling. As I described yesterday that school gives great structure to a certain point in your life, it really doesn't go beyond that or give you guidance to how to continue to succeed in life. I couldn't agree more with the current chapter I'm reading from Seth Godin "Fear of School." Nothing prepares us for a life beyond school other than interacting with other successful, grounded people who enjoy what they are doing. So I am looking to this perspective, which has been a general view of mine throughout life anyway. You always hear, "you are who you hang out with" and that has always been enforced in me since I was little and my mom said that if I was friends with a girl who had a reputation of 'sleeping around' then I would be assumed to be the same way. This is true on a general level, but of course, there are always exceptions to some degree.
A mini goal I set out to do is to start exercising so that I can start feeling better both mentally & physically. If I'm able to run tonight at home on the treadmill, it will be day 4 of a 10 minute run. I always feel better after exerting some physical activity. I know for so many, this is common sense. However, for others of us, we say we're so busy that we don't make time to exercise and don't remember the exilarating feeling after I'm done. I only set a small goal of 10 minutes because with 3 kids it's hard enough as it is to get time away from their care while I'm home. If I set a 10 minute goal, then it's easier to stick to and I will still get something out of it.
I think my continued reading of visionary books, an unimaginable better world and awareness of how we can influence all of it will help me to create a positive future that I want my kids to be a part of. I've always had a hard time giving credit where credit is due. I forget the title of movies, names of famous people, inventors of products but I appreciate when I've found a new gadget or idea that helps me improve the life that I have. I am going to make a conscious effort to start recognizing these people, products and names of anything that has helps create a future that I cannot even imagine in the present time. I think that people do deserve recognition & I certainly would want recognition for my hard work, but I've always been more concerned with learning the concept & moving on, then actually remembering who thought of the concept. I guess at the end of the day, there is value in both.
Well, looking forward to spending some time with my beautiful daughter, her 2 brothers, and my loving husband tonight. Until next time, hope we all continue to improve together.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Follow Successful People
When I was a kid, my mom always warned me to be careful of who my friends were and who I hung out with. If I hung out with friends in high school who were 'easy' or had a reputation to sleep around a lot, then hanging out with these people will naturally associate the same traits to me. Other people will judge me based on the people I surround myself with. She is right and it's true for every aspect of your life. You want to surround yourself with others that are inspiring and live life the way you want to live your life.
I'm sure a lot of us have heard this type of thing before. This doesn't mean that you don't talk to other people who are struggling or in a different situation from yourself. When people you come across seem to continue to blame others for their own struggles, after a while it's hard to relate to someone who is holding themselves back from being successful. You will naturally gravitate towards people that share the same interests and are headed in the same direction you are headed because people motivate each other and create energy that isn't always there on an individual basis. Therefore, follow people who you can relate to or have achieved successes in life that are important to you and follow values and methods you can believe in.
Finance is not about creating new and innovative ways of making and saving money. The rules and guidelines that are needed to be financially responsible are the same things that our ancestors have taught one another and their ancestors before them. As I get older, I find that many things in life have nothing to do with 'new' ways of doing things. I find that throughout life, reminding ourselves of lessons we most likely learned as children and young adults are the same lessons we struggle to follow when we get married and have children. I'm not old enough to know stages in life past this but I listen to a lot of other generations (old, young, peers) to avoid mistakes I don't want to experience first hand.
I have a couple siblings that insist I don't know what I'm talking about because they are older & have experienced more than me. Are you kidding? Do you think I want to go through the same struggles in order to understand that it was a bad idea in the first place? That's a silly way of thinking, right? If I see someone being punished & fined for stealing shoes from a store when they are a teenager, does that mean I don't understand the consequences because I didn't go through the situation myself? Of course not. If I see how a sibling has hurt my parents in some way with actions or words, then it's in my best interest not to repeat the same actions because then I will have a different outcome with my parents. If we're lucky enough (& pay attention to others around us), we don't have to experience certain hardships to know that we want to avoid them to be successful. I certainly don't need to claim bankruptcy to know that it creates a lasting affect on my life and would be a long time before I had good credit again.
I believe that some lessons have to be learned first-hand in order to understand the importance of them. However, I think I've learned much more by watching and learning from other people's mistakes then my own for a couple different reasons. First, I can look at someone else's situation objectively and limit how emotionally involved I am. Second, when I am not directly involved with a difficult situation, I get several different perspectives from various people because these people involved want to vent, get advice or attempt to win 'votes' on their version of the situation. Third, I don't have to pay the consequences of the results of my actions because I wasn't involved in the situation. This last one is an automatic WIN situation for me since I get to see what has happened to someone else and understand that certain situations are not worth replicating. Lastly, when witnessing or knowing about how a life-lesson resulted for someone else can give me the advantage if I need to eventually deal with a similar situation later, whether its with the same person or just a similar situation with new people. I can gauge what is may occur by what has already happened to someone else.
To me, this blog is a very easy concept and I feel like I'm writing about something that everyone already knows. However, I'm slowly starting to learn that some things I think everyone already knows are not really things that everyone knows. We all talk about 'common sense' and I always joke that there is no such thing. I worked with someone in the last year who thought it was OK to answer your cell phone when you are in the middle of one-on-one training. I was completely flabbergasted by such an action, but this woman was insulted that I was so angry about her actions. I quickly realized that I hold the time I have at work with much higher regard then others or at least this woman. If I am at work getting paid to do certain tasks that were part of my role than that is higher priority than answering my cell phone to talk about personal matters that are not urgent and relate to time after I leave my job. If someone else is training me to do a certain job and I answer my cell phone, I'm not only now wasting my time at work but also the person who is training me. However, I was made well-aware that this was not a 'common sense' action. So I stand corrected, and now I am learning to talk about things that I once thought were so obvious to the general population.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Looking for Bookkeeping/Finance Work
Do you have a small load of bookkeeping services that you need done on a consistent basis? I am looking for additional work that I can do during my evenings or weekends for supplemental income. I am familiar with Quickbooks & Peachtree. Please email me if you are interested in discussing possible opportunities. I do not replace your accountant who will oversee your business for tax purposes, but I can assist or replace your bookkeeping & invoicing functions for your business.
I have my Masters in Finance & have worked over 10 years with investments and financial analysis. I would love to discuss any opportunities with you regarding personal finance or small business functions. I guarantee to beat any competitors pricing while I establish my services. I promise to treat your business like it is my own to offer efficiencies where I can as well. Local to Northeast Philadelphia area.
I have my Masters in Finance & have worked over 10 years with investments and financial analysis. I would love to discuss any opportunities with you regarding personal finance or small business functions. I guarantee to beat any competitors pricing while I establish my services. I promise to treat your business like it is my own to offer efficiencies where I can as well. Local to Northeast Philadelphia area.
Is This a Missed Opportunity for the Marketplace?
How do you pay down your debt when it's exceeding your income? What if I'm current on all my payments, but just looking for lower interest rates? These are questions I'm still trying to answer. Since my husband is self-employed, I'm finding it harder to control our finances then before. I also feel like we are being penalized because he is self-employed & not showing enough income right now. We are current on all our bills & have a good credit score, but because we have a significant amount of debt (accummulated from starting a business and myself being laid off twice in the 2 years) it's very hard to lower our existing rates. The problem is, without these reductions, then these companies may not see anything because they are making it very hard to continue to pay balances with such high interest rates. I have to say that this part of the credit/finance industry thoroughly confuses me and seems like they are missing out on a huge opportunity with individuals who are trying to continue to stay on the right side of debt & responsibility. I find it bewildering that companies don't realize there's a ton of people out there that are trying to do the right thing & responsibly pay back debt before there is a sign of late payments or falling behind on anything. Why hasn't a company picked up on this market of people yet? If no one else has, is there a way I can make this an opportunity for myself to fix this situation for people going forward? I don't see a clear answer to any of my questions, but it doesn't hurt to think about it & figure out what the best solution is.
I've called our credit card companies, our mortgage company and any other company that we pay monthly fees to (TV, electric, etc) to see if there's an opportunity to lower payments & interest if applicable. I get the same response every time, "sorry, you're not eligible for that because you make your monthly payments each month but your debt is too high." How strange? So you as a company are waiting until my debt either magically disappears or I can no longer make payments before you're willing to help? You as a person who works for a company doesn't find that a little odd? I find it extremely odd. I'm calling you to either warn you that if you continue to charge me astronomical fees/interest or if we can't work out a better payment plan, then your company will need to spend extra man power & money to come after me to collect debt & yet you don't want to avoid this? Please tell me there's someone else in this world that also thinks improvements should be made & somewhere an opportunity is here to come & swoop in to assist this market where people are trying to be financially responsible.
Any comments or suggestions on this are welcome. I wish I had advice or answers to this topic. It is something I am sure I will write about again because it's a situation I am working on every day. As I find small relief or answers to this overwhelming issue, I will continue to blog about it & hope to share other ideas that people have shared with me.
I've called our credit card companies, our mortgage company and any other company that we pay monthly fees to (TV, electric, etc) to see if there's an opportunity to lower payments & interest if applicable. I get the same response every time, "sorry, you're not eligible for that because you make your monthly payments each month but your debt is too high." How strange? So you as a company are waiting until my debt either magically disappears or I can no longer make payments before you're willing to help? You as a person who works for a company doesn't find that a little odd? I find it extremely odd. I'm calling you to either warn you that if you continue to charge me astronomical fees/interest or if we can't work out a better payment plan, then your company will need to spend extra man power & money to come after me to collect debt & yet you don't want to avoid this? Please tell me there's someone else in this world that also thinks improvements should be made & somewhere an opportunity is here to come & swoop in to assist this market where people are trying to be financially responsible.
Any comments or suggestions on this are welcome. I wish I had advice or answers to this topic. It is something I am sure I will write about again because it's a situation I am working on every day. As I find small relief or answers to this overwhelming issue, I will continue to blog about it & hope to share other ideas that people have shared with me.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Listen to Others
Today I took a break from the finance lessons and just listened to people. I realize when I was a kid I listened to people a lot. Mostly because my mom taught me that children were to 'speak when spoken to'. It created a lot of listening as a child of 8 kids because there was so much noise and chaos that no one directly spoke to me much. It wasn't as bad as it comes out. From what I remember I enjoyed my childhood but I do remember listening A LOT.
My 2nd son got sick this morning and was vomiting. I was fortunate to have family watch him so I didn't have to take the day off work. I would rather be home with my son, but of course timing isn't great and there is some work that I needed to be involved in. At work, most people are complaining about their job and just generally unhappy & stressed since there are some deadlines approaching that require more work than there is time left to complete. I don't feel a direct connection to this stress because I don't really feel a personal connection to the work. I think the type of position I'm in leads to why I feel disconnected but I also know that my larger life goals are much deeper than my current job. I want to find my inner voice that directs me into what I should be doing in life.
I love my kids more than anything, and I really enjoy being around them. Unfortunately, I don't get to take full advantage of just sitting around & playing with them or sharing in their moment because there's always 'adult' things that need to be done. If there aren't specific adult responsibilities, then I'm preparing meals for my kids or getting mentally ready for naps, etc. There are times I feel like I don't stop what I'm doing to really enjoy this moment in life where I have 3 beautiful, amazing kids all under 5 years old. It's such a fun chaos. Friends make comments at times that they don't know how I do it or why I've put myself in this situation. Some friends work with children in their career and don't understand how I have the patience I have with my kids.
I am very clear that I love the situation I'm in with 3 kids and the ages they are. I'm very blessed that I really love interaction with children. My financial & career situation is not as solid as I would like, but having these kids is the only reason why finances and career are even in question and not in a way that most people would assume. Without kids, I would spend all my time working to maintain finances and progressing in my career. It's a no-brainer and I wouldn't be having financial struggles or sitting around wondering what my purpose is in life. The struggle ONLY comes in because I have kids and want as much time with them with at little time as possible focused on financial or career-oriented tasks. They are not a financial burden in my, I don't feel like they are a burden at all (unless I'm trying to get out the door in under 10 min...that's a small burden...LOL).
I just lose sight of finances because I'd rather be trying to help my kids with potty-training or getting through a meal or learning to share. I really love being around kids and showing them how to interact better. I can't think of anything more fun. All my siblings are great with kids for the most part. When my side of the family gets together, we've been known to talk & interact with kids more than adults. Some could argue this is a social interaction problem amongst my siblings, but I argue it's because we all really enjoy the ease of talking to kids and there's no expectations with kids. Most kids talk to each other bluntly without any fake walls up or courteous gestures. Kids bluntly ask each other their names and ask if they want to play together. Most kids are accepting of each other (in younger years) because they just want company & someone else to play with. Who doesn't?
I admit that if my daughter (the youngest) was not as easy-going and happy as she is that I would be truly insane. However, because she's literally the best baby I've ever been around (not that I don't adore my 2 sons), she makes 3 kids seem like any parent could handle them in any situation because she rarely gets upset. These amazing children are the only reason I feel like I have financial stress at all. Because I want to figure out how I can continue to put all my attention towards them while continuing to grow and create a prosperous future for them. Kids easily take away any selfishness I've shown in the past. I would argue that I was pretty low-maintenance before kids but now after having kids, my maintenance level doesn't exist or there is a very faint line. This however is a very careful balance as well because when you forget about pampering yourself at all, then you lose confidence and lose your identity. I did feel lost somewhat when I stayed home with the kids because I didn't feel like I had 'me' time to get dressed or feel like I wasn't in constant disarray/ I don't know the right balance between family and self-interests but I'm determined to find out.
Today I am just soaking in information about where my life should be headed. I don't have the answer. I wonder if I enjoy my kids so much than why do I work at all or why I don't feel completely fulfilled if I stay home with them. I never thought trying to make an income at home while I raised my kids was very realistic. I was home for a couple times in the last couple years for extended periods of time. The choices to be home weren't mine so it was a struggle to feel like I was in the right place. I was let go of one job and the other job was temporary so even after I stopped working, I felt like I should still be working because I had a 'hiccup' in my career. In the last couple months is the first time I feel like I ever had a real option of making a career for myself without being in the formal workforce that required me going to an office from 9-5 pm ( or extended beyond that).
My husband is not in the situation at this point to take on the full burden of one income but I'm also not the type of person that really wants that to happen. I do enjoy making money & feeling like I'm contributing to our family wealth. However, I see the benefits of being home with my kids and giving them the type of structure that only a parent can. I also see the benefits of my boys being in daycare and how much they are learning in a school setting, even at 2 & 4 yrs old. It's amazing the options and various decisions that are thrown a parent's way once kids enter the picture. Once I have to determine the best future for my children, all past decisions seem so trivial. Amazing the power of love & responsibility that comes with guiding another human being through life. Well, I'm going to continue to listen to the world around me, through speakers, motivational, spiritual, financial....they are all sending me the same messages, but I'm not quite sure what the lesson is I better keep listening for a while instead of trying to talk over them.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Music is such an amazing uplifter for my life. It's amazing the emotions it can pull out of me. I love to listen to music because it reminds me that other people feel the same frustrations, have the same passion and want the same amazing life that I do. Who doesn't want to the feeling that they can control & change their future in a positive way if they have a deep passion to do so. But I think that's the problem. Most people want to change their life in a positive way, but the passion isn't there. The thought comes into our mind to be amazing and what it would be like, and then most people (like me & those around me) seem to go back to their daily schedule & life that are just ok and mediocre. We see so many people around us that are doing the same as us or a little better or worse so we think it's not possible to be much happier then we already are. If the majority of people around us are struggling with the same simplistic problems and frustrations, what would make me so much better that I could be so much happier and better off.
How does this all tie into this blog? For me, financial stability is the foundation of happiness and leads to all these other passions that people strive for. I love to hear how other people have changed their lives for the better, are following their dreams and making a difference to those around them. The tools that I am starting to list on the TOOLS post is what is starting this journey for me to a better, happier place in life. Listening to motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins gives me a different perspective that I really can make my life everything I've ever wanted. There will always be setbacks in life, but it's like anything else....if you focus on the bad, the bad seems to keep reappearing. However, if you focus on good, then you only see the good and life is so much happier.
There's a couple things that stick in my mind right now that I'd like to discuss. One is a quote by Winston Churchill and the other is an article I read about a local girl who died. Churchill's quote was: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." This means so much to me at this point in my life. I've had some major struggles in the last couple years and I really felt like I was alone many times with no support system. I really felt like I made some enemies unintentionally when I stood for what I believed in and the force against me was so great that I felt broken. It was really heart-wrenching to feel like no one understood me or realized that I was trying to do the 'right' thing. We've all heard stories like this & movies are made about this all the time. Watching a movie, my heart goes out to the main character as he/she is attacked by the world around him/her. In the movie, it ends with the world coming to the realization that the main character was doing the right thing and eventually everyone embraces the hero. Unfortunately, life is not this simple and standing for what you believe in and know is right even if at the moment everyone around you is convinced of otherwise is the hardest thing in the world to do. There may not be a happy ending and you might not be embraced for your stance. It can lead to a very lonely and unhappy place where you start questioning your own belief system and question whether the world around you might be right after all.
The other thought on my mind is about Victoria Lieb, who was a local girl in her mid-twenties who became so depressed that she committed suicide. I didn't know this girl, but it was an article how more young adults are becoming depressed & committing suicide because they can't see past their current bad situation, whether it's school, relationships, future, money, etc. It's the same stuff that we all have to deal with and I feel like we've all been at a low point some time in our life where we can relate. It's hard to sometimes see past the horrible things that are going on in your life to realize that everything will eventually get better. There a multitude of phrases that people say when someone mentions a difficult time in their life, "This too shall pass", "where one door closes, a window opens," "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" get the picture. However, feeling so depressed is a horrible feeling too and it's embarrassing to even admit that you are feeling so low about your life that you aren't sure it's worth living. No one wants to hear that and if someone says it, a lot of times it will be taken as being 'dramatic'.
This all brings me back to music and the new tools I am finding to cope with life. I listen to music because there is a passion about it that makes me realize that a great song couldn't be written if someone else didn't experience it as well. If I can relate to the songs and they hits then there are thousands, if not millions, of people who relate to those I'm not alone. I can do this and most people feel the same passion and have the same desires to be happy and find ways past the difficult times. For me, life is about being happy, but I personally cannot be happy if I have to worry about not having or making the money I need to pay basic bills. I love to work towards goals so it's not that I believe I should be wealthy, but I need to realize that finances and life need constant attention and managing. If I ignore a problem, it will show up in many other facets of my life so I might as well try to fix it when I see the problem.
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