Music is such an amazing uplifter for my life. It's amazing the emotions it can pull out of me. I love to listen to music because it reminds me that other people feel the same frustrations, have the same passion and want the same amazing life that I do. Who doesn't want to the feeling that they can control & change their future in a positive way if they have a deep passion to do so. But I think that's the problem. Most people want to change their life in a positive way, but the passion isn't there. The thought comes into our mind to be amazing and what it would be like, and then most people (like me & those around me) seem to go back to their daily schedule & life that are just ok and mediocre. We see so many people around us that are doing the same as us or a little better or worse so we think it's not possible to be much happier then we already are. If the majority of people around us are struggling with the same simplistic problems and frustrations, what would make me so much better that I could be so much happier and better off.
How does this all tie into this blog? For me, financial stability is the foundation of happiness and leads to all these other passions that people strive for. I love to hear how other people have changed their lives for the better, are following their dreams and making a difference to those around them. The tools that I am starting to list on the TOOLS post is what is starting this journey for me to a better, happier place in life. Listening to motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins gives me a different perspective that I really can make my life everything I've ever wanted. There will always be setbacks in life, but it's like anything else....if you focus on the bad, the bad seems to keep reappearing. However, if you focus on good, then you only see the good and life is so much happier.
There's a couple things that stick in my mind right now that I'd like to discuss. One is a quote by Winston Churchill and the other is an article I read about a local girl who died. Churchill's quote was: "
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." This means so much to me at this point in my life. I've had some major struggles in the last couple years and I really felt like I was alone many times with no support system. I really felt like I made some enemies unintentionally when I stood for what I believed in and the force against me was so great that I felt broken. It was really heart-wrenching to feel like no one understood me or realized that I was trying to do the 'right' thing. We've all heard stories like this & movies are made about this all the time. Watching a movie, my heart goes out to the main character as he/she is attacked by the world around him/her. In the movie, it ends with the world coming to the realization that the main character was doing the right thing and eventually everyone embraces the hero. Unfortunately, life is not this simple and standing for what you believe in and know is right even if at the moment everyone around you is convinced of otherwise is the hardest thing in the world to do. There may not be a happy ending and you might not be embraced for your stance. It can lead to a very lonely and unhappy place where you start questioning your own belief system and question whether the world around you might be right after all.
The other thought on my mind is about Victoria Lieb, who was a local girl in her mid-twenties who became so depressed that she committed suicide. I didn't know this girl, but it was an article how more young adults are becoming depressed & committing suicide because they can't see past their current bad situation, whether it's school, relationships, future, money, etc. It's the same stuff that we all have to deal with and I feel like we've all been at a low point some time in our life where we can relate. It's hard to sometimes see past the horrible things that are going on in your life to realize that everything will eventually get better. There a multitude of phrases that people say when someone mentions a difficult time in their life, "This too shall pass", "where one door closes, a window opens," "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"....you get the picture. However, feeling so depressed is a horrible feeling too and it's embarrassing to even admit that you are feeling so low about your life that you aren't sure it's worth living. No one wants to hear that and if someone says it, a lot of times it will be taken as being 'dramatic'.
This all brings me back to music and the new tools I am finding to cope with life. I listen to music because there is a passion about it that makes me realize that a great song couldn't be written if someone else didn't experience it as well. If I can relate to the songs and they hits then there are thousands, if not millions, of people who relate to those songs....so I'm not alone. I can do this and most people feel the same passion and have the same desires to be happy and find ways past the difficult times. For me, life is about being happy, but I personally cannot be happy if I have to worry about not having or making the money I need to pay basic bills. I love to work towards goals so it's not that I believe I should be wealthy, but I need to realize that finances and life need constant attention and managing. If I ignore a problem, it will show up in many other facets of my life so I might as well try to fix it when I see the problem.
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