Today is my daughter's first birthday. I'm so proud of how she's developing and her happy disposition. This little girl doesn't cry even when she's very sick. She started walking about a month ago and it's so fun to watch her interact with her brothers. So today, I am reminiscent of how my life was just a year ago, as well as 4 years ago before I became a mother at all. A daughter does put a spin on parenthood after 2 boys. What an amazing change in a woman's life. With all the confusion of how my life should proceed on a mental level, there is a part of my life that is overwhelmed with gratitude of how blessed I am to have 3 healthy amazing kids with a husband to share it with. From my life as a parent, I could not be more grateful that at this point, my kids are growing and enjoying the lives they have with no major misfortune. So many other parents are dealing with sick children, a recent death from cancer or disabilities or the news that there may be little chance to add a child to their existing family due to infertility.
Yesterday's blog touched on something I'm reading today in Seth Godin's book "LinchPin" about schooling. As I described yesterday that school gives great structure to a certain point in your life, it really doesn't go beyond that or give you guidance to how to continue to succeed in life. I couldn't agree more with the current chapter I'm reading from Seth Godin "Fear of School." Nothing prepares us for a life beyond school other than interacting with other successful, grounded people who enjoy what they are doing. So I am looking to this perspective, which has been a general view of mine throughout life anyway. You always hear, "you are who you hang out with" and that has always been enforced in me since I was little and my mom said that if I was friends with a girl who had a reputation of 'sleeping around' then I would be assumed to be the same way. This is true on a general level, but of course, there are always exceptions to some degree.
A mini goal I set out to do is to start exercising so that I can start feeling better both mentally & physically. If I'm able to run tonight at home on the treadmill, it will be day 4 of a 10 minute run. I always feel better after exerting some physical activity. I know for so many, this is common sense. However, for others of us, we say we're so busy that we don't make time to exercise and don't remember the exilarating feeling after I'm done. I only set a small goal of 10 minutes because with 3 kids it's hard enough as it is to get time away from their care while I'm home. If I set a 10 minute goal, then it's easier to stick to and I will still get something out of it.
I think my continued reading of visionary books, an unimaginable better world and awareness of how we can influence all of it will help me to create a positive future that I want my kids to be a part of. I've always had a hard time giving credit where credit is due. I forget the title of movies, names of famous people, inventors of products but I appreciate when I've found a new gadget or idea that helps me improve the life that I have. I am going to make a conscious effort to start recognizing these people, products and names of anything that has helps create a future that I cannot even imagine in the present time. I think that people do deserve recognition & I certainly would want recognition for my hard work, but I've always been more concerned with learning the concept & moving on, then actually remembering who thought of the concept. I guess at the end of the day, there is value in both.
Well, looking forward to spending some time with my beautiful daughter, her 2 brothers, and my loving husband tonight. Until next time, hope we all continue to improve together.
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