Monday, January 23, 2012


I'm going through a rough patch financially right now and it's difficult to swallow and deal with sometimes.  But the last few weeks are full of reminders to me that I am still very blessed and should be grateful for these many blessings.  I have 3 healthy children who couldn't be happier and except for some minor ear infections or viruses, we've avoided any serious illnesses to date. 

So, in honor of Oprah's Daily List of 5 things I'm grateful for:
  1. We recently got basketball tickets from our accountant and my husband & boys are going to the game tonight.  An opportunity that we can not afford ourselves right now.
  2. I was recently able to purchase 10 pieces of clothing after spending $70 because I had gift cards and discounts
  3. I have health insurance and coverage if any major incidents fall upon us.
  4. My kids have about 20 cousins that all live in the area to play with when their friends aren't around.
  5. We live in a great neighborhood that has one of the best school districts in the state. 
  6. My kids are so affectionate that I often get surprised adults admiring how loving they are to each other and me.
  7. I have my health and education that I've been very fortunate to be exposed to.
  8. I have travelled outside of the US which not many Americans have done.
  9. I have ulcerative colitis and it rarely flares up.  When it does flare it, it is quickly under control with a little medication.  Many people with ulcerative colitis have symptoms even in remission
  10. My husband and I sometimes quarrel and we don't always see eye to eye, but we are committed to each other and our family.  We believe in a family unit that involves 2 parents and unconditional love.
Share with me some of your blessings.  It's nice to remind each other that through tough times, there is always a silver lining and even if we can't see it now, we need others to remind us!  God Bless and I look forward to hearing from you.

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