Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Money = New You - Old You

The title of this post was not created by me.  This quote came from a very interesting book I finally got my hands on by Rabbi Daniel Lapin called Thou Shall Prosper.  I'm only 8% into this book (thanks to Kindle for giving me the percentage) and I'm already excited with the concepts I'm reading.  Rabbi Lapin explains how making more money changes a person, which then further allows a person to make more money.  The formula explained in the title is a simple math equation that really is a very interesting concept.  In order to create more wealth, a person needs to continue to grow and change to match the desired environment and expectations. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A New Beginning - AGAIN!

Well, my last post seemed to focus on 'relationships' and that's what I've done.  I'm happy to say that vision boards, motivational books, and building confidence is a guarantee that change will come in your life.  I've made many mental strides in the last few months.  I still have a goal of lowering my debt and working on getting out of the mountain of debt that I've created over the last couple years.  However, rather then focusing solely on that and allowing it to bring me down and feel like I'll never get past that hurdle, I've realized that positive thoughts go a long, long way.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Build Relationships

I've been very lucky to have very strong relationships in my life. I have friends that I've known for over 20 years and that's important to help keep me grounded.  I love new things and I love to meet new people.  However, sometimes the existing friends are the ones that remind you where you came from, the stuggles you've had and the obstacles that you've overcome.  New friends are great and it's important to continue to grow outside your comfort zone as well. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bite My Tongue - LISTEN!

"Bite my tongue."  That is today's objective.  I was a very good listener when I was a child and early adult.  Sometimes I realize now that I wasn't as good of a listener as I was as a child.  As I grow older, I feel like I finally have life experience so I want to share it with others.  However, sometimes I regret after I've spoken what I've just said or shared.  That means that I've talked too much and not listened enough.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I'm going through a rough patch financially right now and it's difficult to swallow and deal with sometimes.  But the last few weeks are full of reminders to me that I am still very blessed and should be grateful for these many blessings.  I have 3 healthy children who couldn't be happier and except for some minor ear infections or viruses, we've avoided any serious illnesses to date. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The kids are well and I love being a mom.  Another day to look at expenses and focus on saving $$.  I need to find ways to be creative in saving & making money.  I bought diapers online today for $0.23/diaper which is up $0.03/diaper from my last purchases.  It doesn't seem like much but for 1 box of 120 diapers, that's $3.60 difference which could get me a meal (not out but a home-cooked one!).

Monday, January 16, 2012

Facing the Truth

My posts have become somewhat sporatic because I'm trying to focus on paying off my debt and finding alternative ways of additional income.  However, it still feels overwhelming and I still sometimes want to forget that I have all this debt looming over my head.  A couple weekends ago, I was really upset because some family members asked if I wanted to bring my kids to the local aquarium.  I would have loved to go but it would have cost about $100 by the time I paid for the all the entrance fees, parking, tolls and gas that involved this day-trip.  I told the family members no, but looked online to see if there was some way I could find coupons or discounts that would allow me to bring my kids.  I didn't have any luck. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Next 30 Years

This post is going to be dedicated to Tim McGraw & Phil Vasser who wrote the amazing song, "My Next 30 Years": 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012

What a holiday and new year it has been!  My kids made out very well with so many gifts.  I had some great time off and relaxation that was much needed!  I really love being home with my kids and I do plan on making a bigger commitment to working towards a more flexible schedule this year.  Here's to putting ideas into reality!